Economic Prosperity

What We Believe

Freedom and opportunity are what set the United States apart from every other country in the world. People risk everything to come to America to start a new life and pursue the American Dream. Our history is teeming with individuals who took a chance on themselves, worked hard, and provided a future of endless possibility for their children and grandchildren. 


  • We will always promote and support the power of free-market economies across our United States and abroad.

  • Smaller and more efficient governments create a competitive environment that births the entrepreneurial spirit, keeping the American economy strong.

  • We must lower America’s tax burden across the board.

  • Both state and national debts are reduced via responsible budgeting, spending cuts, introducing caps on future debts, and intentionally working to repay the trillions of debt owed.

  • Free and fair international trade policies and agreements ensure Americans come first.

Jobs and the Workforce

  • An innovative approach to job creation and workforce development is the foundation for a strong economy.

  • Capitalism needs competition to allow people to thrive. Private investment and competition in the workforce are important drivers of economic growth and job creation.

  • When businesses face less taxes and regulations, they can hire more employees in the United States instead of outsourcing jobs abroad.

  • We must always protect America’s 30 million small business owners who employ over 47% of the working U.S. population.

  • State right-to-work laws offer freedom of choice for workers and correlate with household employment growth in states that implement these laws.

  • State and local governments should take proactive steps to reestablish voter control over government by ending collective bargaining with government unions.